Expectations & Class Info
Welcome to my English class! I’m so happy you’re here. You are now a part of an active learning community. We function very much like a family. We work hard together, have a lot of fun together, and support each other. I cannot wait to begin this new adventure with you!
Classroom Expectations:
-Give your best every day. I commit to giving my best to you every day in return.
-Be responsible for your own learning. No one should care more about your education than you.
-Respect your teachers and your peers. Manners mean a lot to me.
-Be kind. You never know what people around you are going through, so be a bright spot in their day.
-Stay positive. This applies to your thoughts, your speech, your attitude, and your body language.
-Throw trash in the trash can. And by that, I mean to get up, walk to the trash can and place the trash in the can.
-Do not talk when others are speaking. If I am talking, assume it is very important to you and listen. If a peer is speaking, understand that their ideas and thoughts are valuable.
-Cell phones should be turned in to the phone holder on the door EVERY DAY. If I see your phone out, I will take it up and turn it into the office. This will cost $15 to get back.
-Smart watches: Do not use your smart watch during class, but especially during tests. If I catch you using your watch during a test, I will treat this as cheating.
-Be honest. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to earn back.
-Words we don’t say in our learning community: “I can’t…” “I’m bored…” “It’s too hard…” Whatever you struggle with, we will work through it together, but quitting or complaining is not an option.
-Inappropriate, offensive, or vulgar language will not be tolerated.
Daily Procedures
-Enter the room in a calm, appropriate, mature way.
-Turn in your cell phone.
-Go to your assigned seat.
-Have homework out and ready to turn in. (if applicable)
-Look for the plan for the day posted on the board and any materials needed.
-Get ready to work.
-Get your free reading book out and begin reading.
-Everyone participates in discussions, activities, etc.
-All graded/returned work will go in your class folder.
-Write your heading on all work that will be turned in. (Name, Teacher, Class/Period, Date, Title if applicable)
-Pack up materials, return supplies, and clean up around your work area before leaving.
-Always wait for ME to dismiss you. Do not pack up early or line up at the door early.
Grading Policy:
Please see the attached WOHS English Department Policy regarding homework expectations, grading policy, late work, make-up work, integrity expectations, etc.
I’m very open and happy to discuss any aspect of my class with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
My email is [email protected]
My blog is simss2.wonecks.net
My school phone number is 903.291.2047
Remind-I will also be occasionally sending out reminders of test dates, major project due dates, etc. through Remind. This is a website that safely allows teachers to text students reminders of important information. Parents can also subscribe to be on my contact list if they would like..
Write your class’s Remind code here:
Write your class’s Google Classroom code here:
Parents and students have access to their current grades through Skyward. The link is on the WOISD website.
Looking forward to the best year ever!
Ms. Sims
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